Engagement Committee
Committee Chair: Linda Garrick
The Membership committee is responsible for bringing new members into the club. When a guest or potential member attends a meeting, the committee members make them feel welcome and valued. Additionally, if the guest is interested in becoming a member, committee members will give them appropriate literature about club membership to help answer questions she might have.
Orientation is provided to new and existing members through educational programs. This program helps to share the Soroptimist heritage, purpose, objects, policies and programs.
The Mentorship program partners a new member with a more experienced member, to ensure everyone receives the information needed to feel a significant part of the club.
Join the Membership Committee
“I get so much from my Soroptimist sisters. We love and support one another unconditionally. We are a family and in my opinion, there is no group like it.” --Margaret Sundin-McCann, SIRV Member
Commitee Chair: Gwen Luhring
The Public Relations committee is responsible for promoting a positive Soroptimist image throughout the community. It promotes the organization and it’s mission through print, social media, internet, television and radio marketing. This committee works closely with the Community Service and Fundraising committees to gain community support for these organized local events.